Hour requirements: 100 hours by the end of 3rd quarter senior year.
Community Service needs to benefit an individual in need of assistance or a non-profit organization.
Assisting or babysitting for free for a friend, neighbor, or community member is acceptable; assisting or babysitting at home does not qualify as this is part of being a valuable family member.
Office work must be for a non-profit organization or business.
Fundraisers, walk-a-thons and road races can be considered
Class or team projects are allowed and encouraged. However, at least 50% of all proceeds must be donated to a pre-designated charity or non-profit organization.
We may consider non-paid internships and shadowing hours.
If you are unsure if your project will meet the community service requirements, please see Ms. Kelderman.
*Please click the button below to document your community service hours. *Make sure you have the contact info of the supervisor of the community service event and a picture of evidence that you worked that event!